Terms & Conditions

Quality standard

We only sell original authentic vintage pieces, restored, and checked where necessary, with full preservation of authenticity. In the condition report or details on the website you will find a clear note of the condition of the item if there is anything unusual to report, please read the text carefully before buying a product. Our benchmark is very high, and we think the condition and quality of a product is very important. Therefore, we clean everything, we check everything thoroughly for any defects and fix it when needed. Of course, these are old and used pieces so there are always normal marks of usage and wear that may be expected from a piece with a certain age. There could always pop up unforeseen defects, whether or not you use it, before or after the purchase of your piece. We feel obliged to solve this, within a reasonable amount of time after purchase, please read our return policy carefully.

Return policy

If the product of is not what you imagined, doesn’t fit or work for you, you can always return the product. In this case a 15% restocking fee applies. This is for packing, handling, and relisting of the product. Also, shipping costs (back and forth) are for the buyer to cover. That is why it is important to ask as many questions as possible up front, to avoid unnecessary returns. If you have some doubt about a product, if it will fit, matches, or meets your needs, please inform us before your purchase. Depending on the product and the shipping process we can consult if a return would be doable.

In case of a defect within 2 weeks after your purchase, which is not your fault, there are (depending on the product and defect), different possible solutions:
– The purchased product gets fixed by a specialist on spot and we will reimburse the costs involved;
– The purchased product (or a part of it) is sent back, we fix it here and we will send it back when it’s fixed;
– The purchased product comes back and we will refund the product price minus 15% restocking fee if you do not want the product to be fixed.
We are not liable for the shipping costs or other costs besides the costs for reparation. All of above will only be arranged after approval of both client and seller. If the client decides to have it fixed before discussing this with us, we are not to be claimed for the costs made.

When an item is demonstrably not as authentic or original as described, the item can be returned and we will refund the product price and shipping costs involved.

An item can always be returned to us within a year, no matter what the reason is. We would take the item back minus a restocking fee of 25%. If you want to take another product instead we can take it back minus a restocking fee of 20%.

Payment policy

We always send an official invoice that is legally valid and this includes all our company details and numbers to make a bank wire transaction. We do not have Paypal and our bank does not accept credit cards so a bank wire, or cash upon delivery (if we deliver it ourselves), is the only possible way of payment. Bank charges would be for the account of the buyer. The invoice number should be noted as reference to the payment so we know what item is paid for. If payment is not made within 14 days after the invoice was send, we assume you are no longer interested in the item and we will release the hold.


We are experienced in worldwide shipping and therefore we use different European companies to get the best price rates for different shipping options. It is no problem for us if you arrange your own shipping but please inform us about this and let us know who will transport it and if we need to pack it or not. We will personally arrange packing for all items with much care and safety. For packing we use bubble wrap, foam, cardboard, wooden pallets and custom-made wooden crates if necessary. With great care we will have the items transported to the customer.
In Holland, Belgium, the north of France and the west of Germany we deliver personally and help the items into your home. Please note that all other shipping is from door to door, which means ‘to curbside’ for transport companies. If you want the item to be unpacked and delivered inside your home, we can get you a white glove delivery quote.
Outside Europe we use different transport companies as UPS, FedEx, DHL, TNT. Please note that when your purchase leaves our showroom, we cannot control anything what happens with it anymore. We will do everything in the best of our abilities to help and mediate with the shippers in case of a problem but that’s also everything we can do. This includes delays, damages or losses. Insurance is always possible but not standard, so this is an option you have to decide for.


Insurance for shipping is always optional, the fact that a package is insured doesn’t mean you will always get a (full) refund when it’s damaged during transport. You have to let us know your package is damaged within 3 days after delivery. When receiving a package, it’s very important to check it thoroughly and when you see anything that doesn’t seem to be correct about the package, mention this to the deliverer and let him make a notification in the system. He / she will make a note of this, so the transport company knows something happened during transport and not after the delivery. Never just sign for delivery in good condition without checking the package. If you sign for delivery in good condition, it becomes very hard to prove that the package got damaged during transport. If they left quickly or you didn’t accept the parcel yourself, immediately call the transport company who delivered it and tell them that your parcel is damaged, file a claim with them and ask for a written confirmation.

Before opening a package, which is damaged, please make pictures of the outside and after opening it also of the inside. This is really important because that’s the proof that you didn’t damage it yourself. When it’s not damaged on the outside, but you see it’s damaged on the inside, please make pictures from that point on. We are not responsible for damages or losses during transport but of course we will do our very best to help you with any problem that pops up during transport or shipping. Our insurance requests that you keep the damaged package including packing material with you until after the investigation process, this can take up quite some time depending on how busy they are. Please note that the shipping company will not cover any storage or disposal fees if they apply to your situation. If you threw away the damaged packing material or the damaged item before filing the claim or before the investigation, there is nothing the insurance will do for you. Please note that we are depending on the insurances policy, if you want any details about that, please contact us before your purchase.

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